@article{2981925, title = "Technique charts for Kodak EC-L film screen system for portal localization in a 6MV X-ray beam", author = "Sandilos, P. and Antypas, C. and Paraskevopoulou, C. and Kouvaris, J. and Vlachos, L.", journal = "Technology and Health Care", year = "2006", volume = "14", number = "6", pages = "467-472", publisher = "IOS Press", issn = "0928-7329, 1878-7401", doi = "10.3233/thc-2006-14601", keywords = "water, abdominal radiography; article; contrast enhancement; film screen system; head; image quality; neck; phantom; priority journal; quality control; quantitative analysis; radiation beam; radiation field; simulation; technique; thorax radiography; X ray film", abstract = "Port films are used in radiotherapy for visual evaluation of the radiation fields and subsequent quantitative analysis. Common port films suffer from poor image quality compared to the simulator-diagnostic films and is desirable to determine the appropriate exposure required for the best image contrast. The aim of this work is to generate technique charts for the Kodak EC-L film screen system for use in a 6MV x-ray beam. Three homogeneous water phantoms were used to simulate head-neck, thorax and abdomen dimensions of adult human, correspondingly. The film screen system was calibrated in a 6MV x-ray beam and under various irradiation conditions. The film screen system behavior was studied as a function of phantom thickness, field size and air gap between the phantom and the film screen system. In each case the optimum film exposure which produces the maximum image contrast was determined. The generated technique charts for the EC-L film screen system and for a 6 MV x-ray beam are used in our radiotherapy department for daily quality assurance of the radiotherapy procedure. © 2006 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved." }