@article{2993663, title = "Theology and politics in contemporary Greece: A missed opportunity for the Greek theology of the 1960s", author = "Moschos, D.", journal = "ECUMENICAL REVIEW", year = "2018", volume = "70", number = "2", pages = "309-321", publisher = "World Council of Churches", issn = "0013-0796", doi = "10.1111/erev.12359", abstract = "This article examines the interaction between theology and politics in the case of the “theology of the 1960s,” a theological renewal movement that emerged in Greece in the 1960s, accompanied by the call for a “return to the Fathers.” The first part of the paper seeks to describe the position of the theology of the 1960s toward politics, while the second considered the position of politics after 1974 toward the theology of the 1960s. It concludes that there was a partial instrumentalization of the theology of the 1960s for tactical political ends. This was a missed opportunity leading to politics becoming devoid of all spiritual content, while theology lost its feedback from social experience and its penetration into society. The article concludes by making several suggestions for the tasks that lie ahead, including the need to cultivate a critical history of the political intervention and the social role of Orthodox theology, and to expand the issues that concern Orthodox theology, such as anthropology or cosmology, to embrace questions of the role of the meaning of history and progressive change in human society. © (2018) World Council of Churches." }