@article{3009973, title = "Farm management systems and the Future Internet era", author = "Kaloxylos, A. and Eigenmann, R. and Teye, F. and Politopoulou, Z. and Wolfert, S. and Shrank, C. and Dillinger, M. and Lampropoulou, I. and Antoniou, E. and Pesonen, L. and Nicole, H. and Thomas, F. and Alonistioti, N. and Kormentzas, G.", journal = "Computers and Electronics in Agriculture", year = "2012", volume = "89", pages = "130-144", issn = "0168-1699", doi = "10.1016/j.compag.2012.09.002", keywords = "European Commission; Farm management; Farming activities; Farming system; Functional architecture; Future internet; Generic enablers; Generic softwares; Internet of Things (IOT); Management systems; Networked devices; Research initiatives; Simplified integration; Systems and software, Internet; Management, Farms, agricultural management; agricultural practice; European Commission; farming system; Internet; software", abstract = "Smart/precision farming systems are expected to play an important role in improving farming activities. During the past years, sophisticated farm management systems have emerged to replace outdated complex and monolithic farm systems and software tools. The latest trend is to enable these management systems to operate over the Internet. However, the Internet, in its current operation form, faces a number of shortcomings especially in handling vast numbers of networked devices (i.e., Internet of Things) or allowing a simplified integration of systems and services developed by different players. Currently, a number of research initiatives aim at addressing these shortcomings. Such an example is the " Future Internet" program launched by the European Commission. In the context of our work, we have specified a farm management system that takes advantage of the new characteristics that " Future Internet" offers. These come in terms of generic software modules that can be used to build farming related specialized modules. We present the functional architecture of this farm management system and provide an operational example. We also analyze the technological enablers that will make this architecture a reality. © 2012 Elsevier B.V." }