@article{3013233, title = "The position of the LysN(ε)H2-grafted antigens along the sequential oligopeptide carrier, Ac-(Aib-Lys-Aib-Gly)(n) (SOC(n)-II), influences the antibody recognition: Application to the Sm main autoimmune epitope", author = "Alexopoulos, C. and Tsikaris, V. and Rizou, C. and Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, M. and Sakarellos, C. and Cung, M.T. and Marraud, M. and Vlachoyiannopoulos, P.G. and Moutsopoulos, H.M.", journal = "Biopolymers - Biospectroscopy Section", year = "2000", volume = "54", number = "1", pages = "1-10", publisher = "John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York, NY, United States", doi = "10.1002/(SICI)1097-0282(200007)54:1<1::AID-BIP10>3.0.CO;2-7", keywords = "Conformations; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; Samarium; Substrates, Antigenic peptides; Sequential oligopeptide carrier, Antigens, autoantibody; autoantigen; carrier protein; epitope; lysine; oligopeptide; polymer; ribonucleoprotein; antigen; peptide fragment; Sm nuclear antigens; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein, antibody detection; antibody specificity; article; autoimmune disease; conformation; mixed connective tissue disease; polymerization; protein structure; sequence analysis; systemic lupus erythematosus; amino acid sequence; animal; cattle; chemistry; human; immunology; molecular genetics; synthesis, Amino Acid Sequence; Animals; Antigens; Autoantibodies; Autoantigens; Carrier Proteins; Cattle; Epitopes; Humans; Lysine; Molecular Sequence Data; Oligopeptides; Peptide Fragments; Ribonucleoproteins, Small Nuclear", abstract = "A sequential oligopeptide carrier of antigenic peptides is presented, incorporating two Aib residues in each repetitive moiety: Ac-(Aib-Lys-Aib- Gly)(n) (SOC(n)-II; n = 2-4). The conformational study, by 1H-nmr, CD, and Fourier transform ir spectroscopy, indicated that the SOC(n)-II carrier displays a pronounced 310-helix, compared to the Ac-(Lys-Aib-Gly)(n) (SOC(n)-I) carrier of the same approximately backbone length, previously reported. One of the dominant autoimmune epitopes of the Sm and U1RNP cellular components, the PPGMRPP sequence, was coupled to the Lys-N(ε)H2 groups of the SOC(n)-II carrier and used as antigenic substrate for detecting anti-Sm/U1RNP autoantibodies in ELISA assays. Anti-Sm antibodies are highly specific for systemic lupus erythematosus, while anti-U1RNP are specific for mixed connective tissue disease. The anti-(PPGMRPP)5-SOC(n)-II ELISA was compared with the anti-(PPGMRPP)(n)-SOC(n)-I ELISA, provided that both antigenic substrates possess the same amount of the epitope replicates. The significance of the lysine positions along the oligopeptide backbone of the carrier for a favorable antibody recognition of the anchored antigens is also examined. (C) 2000 John Wiley and Sons, Inc. A sequential oligopeptide carrier of antigenic peptides is presented, incorporating two Aib residues in each repetitive moiety: Ac-(Aib-Lys-Aib-Gly)n (SOCn-II; n = 2-4). The conformational study, by 1H-nmr, CD, and Fourier transform ir spectroscopy, indicated that the SOCn-II carrier displays a pronounced 310-helix, compared to the Ac-(Lys-Aib-Gly)n (SOCn-I) carrier of the same approximately backbone length, previously reported. One of the dominant autoimmune epitopes of the Sm and U1RNP cellular components, the PPGMRPP sequence, was coupled to the Lys-NεH2 groups of the SOCn-II carrier and used as antigenic substrate for detecting anti-Sm/U1RNP autoantibodies in ELISA assays. Anti-Sm antibodies are highly specific for systemic lupus erythematosus, while anti-U1RNP are specific for mixed connective tissue disease. The anti-(PPGMRPP)5-SOCn-II ELISA was compared with the anti-(PPGMRPP)n-SOCn-I ELISA, provided that both antigenic substrates possess the same amount of the epitope replicates. The significance of the lysine positions along the oligopeptide backbone of the carrier for a favorable antibody recognition of the anchored antigens is also examined." }