@article{3036587, title = "DFT-spread DMT modulation for 1-Gb/s transmission rate over 100 m of 1-mm SI-POF", author = "Karabetsos, S. and Pikasis, E. and Nikas, T. and Nassiopoulos, A. and Syvridis, D.", journal = "IEEE Photonics Technology Letters", year = "2012", volume = "24", number = "10", pages = "836-838", issn = "1041-1135", doi = "10.1109/LPT.2012.2188888", keywords = "Discrete multitone modulation; DMT; Intensity modulation direct detection; short range networking; single carrier-frequency-domain equalization (FDE); step-index plastic optical fiber (SI-POF), Discrete Fourier transforms; Fiber optic sensors; Optical fibers; Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, Plastic optical fibers", abstract = "In this letter, the discrete Fourier transform-spread discrete multitone modulation (DFT-spread DMT) scheme has been used for the first time in laser-based short range optical transmission (over 100 m) with 1-mm step-index plastic optical fiber link, and its superior performance, compared with the standard DMT scheme, was demonstrated. The DFT-spread DMT combines the advantages of both single carrier and multicarrier transmission together with a lower peak-to-average power ratio. Under the same experimental conditions, a lower bit-error-rate is achieved with DFT-spread DMT compared with standard DMT for transmission rates in the 1-Gb/s range. © 1989-2012 IEEE." }