@article{3037741, title = "A measurement of the photonuclear interactions of 180 GeV muons in iron: The tilecal system of the ATLAS collaboration", author = "Alexa, C. and Anderson, K. and Antonaki, A. and Batusov, V. and Berglund, S. and Biscarat, C. and Blanch, O. and Blanchot, G. and Bogush, A. and Bohm, C. and Boldea, V. and Bosman, M. and Bromberg, C. and Budagov, J. and Caloba, L. and Calvet, D. and Camarena, F. and Carvalho, J. and Castelo, J. and Castillo, M.V. and Cavalli-Sforza, M. and Cavasinni, V. and Cerqueira, A.S. and Cobal, M. and Cogswell, F. and Constantinescu, S. and Costanzo, D. and Cowan, B. and Cuenca, C. and Damazio, D.O. and David, M. and Davidek, T. and De, K. and Delfino, M. and Del Prete, T. and Di Girolamo, B. and Dita, S. and Dolejsi, J. and Dolezal, Z. and Dotti, A. and Downing, R. and Efthymiopoulos, I. and Engström, M. and Errede, D. and Errede, S. and Fassi, F. and Fassouliotis, D. and Fedorko, I. and Fenyuk, A. and Ferdi, C. and Ferrer, A. and Flaminio, V. and Flix, J. and Fullana, E. and Garabik, R. and Garde, V. and Giakoumopoulou, V. and Gildemeister, O. and Gilewsky, V. and Giokaris, N. and Gomes, A. and Gonzalez, V. and de la Hoz, S.G. and Grabsky, V. and Grenier, P. and Gris, P. and Guarino, V. and Guicheney, C. and Gupta, A. and Hakobyan, H. and Haney, M. and Henriques, A. and Higon, E. and Holmgren, S. and Huston, J. and Iglesias, C. and Jon-And, K. and Junk, T. and Karyukhin, A. and Khubua, J. and Kopikov, S. and Korolkov, I. and Krivkova, P. and Kulchitsky, Y. and Kuzhir, P. and Lapin, V. and Le Compte, T. and Lefevre, R. and Leitner, R. and Lembesi, M. and Li, J. and Liablin, M. and Lomakin, Y. and Lokajicek, M. and Lopez Amengual, J.M. and Maio, A. and Maliukov, S. and Manousakis, A. and Marques, C. and Marroquim, F. and Martin, F. and Mazzoni, E. and Merritt, F. and Miller, R. and Minashvili, I. and Miralles, L. and Montarou, G. and Nemecek, S. and Nessi, M. and Nodulman, L. and Norniella, O. and Onofre, A. and Oreglia, M. and Pacheco, A. and Pallin, D. and Pantea, D. and Pilcher, J. and Pina, J. and Pinhão, J. and Podlyski, F. and Portell, X. and Price, L.E. and Proudfoot, J. and Richards, R. and Roda, C. and Romanov, V. and Rosnet, P. and Roy, P. and Rumiantsau, V. and Russakovich, N. and Salvachua, B. and Sanchis, E. and Sanders, H. and Santoni, C. and Saraiva, J.G. and Satsunkevitch, I. and Says, L.-P. and Schlereth, J. and Seixas, J.M. and Selldèn, B. and Shalanda, N. and Shevtsov, P. and Shochet, M. and Silva, J. and Simaitis, V. and Sissakian, A. and Sjölin, J. and Soares, S. and Solodkov, A. and Solovianov, O. and Sosebee, M. and Stanek, R. and Starchenko, E. and Starovoitov, P. and Stavina, P. and Suk, M. and Sykora, I. and Tang, F. and Tas, P. and Teuscher, R. and Tokar, S. and Topilin, N. and Torres, J. and Tsulaia, V. and Underwood, D. and Usai, G. and Valkar, S. and Varanda, M.J. and Vartapetian, A. and Vazeille, F. and Vichou, I. and Vinogradov, V. and Vivarelli, I. and White, A. and Zaitsev, A. and Zenis, T.", journal = "The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields", year = "2003", volume = "28", number = "3", pages = "297-304", publisher = "Springer New York LLC", issn = "1434-6044, 1434-6052", doi = "10.1140/epjc/s2003-01176-6", abstract = "The energy spectrum and the cross section of photonuclear interactions of 180 GeV muons in iron were measured at the CERN SPS using prototype modules of the ATLAS hadron calorimeter. The differential cross section (NA/A)vdσ/dv for a muon fractional energy loss v = ΔEμ/Eμ was measured in the range 0.1<v<1. The integrated cross section (NA/A) ∫0.1 1 vdσ/dv is (0.26 ± 0.03stat ±.03stat) · 10-6 cm2g-1 in agreement with the theoretical prediction of 0.267 · 10-6 cm-2g-1. The best adjustment of the data to the theory is achieved for the value of σγN = (115 ± 18stat ± 15syst)μb of the photon-nucleon cross section for photons with energies in the range from 18 to 180 GeV." }