@article{3045054, title = "PELVIC-SURGERY, REPRODUCTIVE FACTORS AND RISK OF ECTOPIC PREGNANCY - A CASE CONTROLLED-STUDY", author = "MICHALAS, S and MINARETZIS, D and TSIONOU, C and MAOS, G and KIOSES, E and and ARAVANTINOS, D", journal = "International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics", year = "1992", volume = "38", number = "2", pages = "101-105", publisher = "ELSEVIER SCI IRELAND LTD", issn = "0020-7292", doi = "10.1016/0020-7292(92)90044-J", keywords = "ECTOPIC PREGNANCY; RELATIVE RISK; PELVIC SURGERY; REPRODUCTIVE FACTORS; APPENDECTOMY; ABORTION", abstract = "A case controlled study among 361 women with surgically treated ectopic pregnancy and 420 women delivered at term was designed, aiming at characterization of the association among previous pelvic operations, selected reproductive factors and ectopic pregnancy. All types of previous pelvic operations increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy from a 2-fold increase for appendectomy to a 9-fold increase for ectopic pregnancy, if maternal age, parity, history of spontaneous and induced abortions and history of infertility is controlled. This study suggests that a previous pelvic operation may increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy." }