@article{3045368, title = "THE BARREL RING IMAGING CHERENKOV COUNTER OF DELPHI", author = "ANASSONTZIS, EG and VANAPELDOORN, G and ARIA, E and AUBRET, C and and BAILLON, P and BERST, JD and BLOCH, D and BOURDARIOS, C and BRUMMER, N and and BRUNET, JM and CARRIE, P and CHEVRY, M and CHRISTOPHEL, E and and DALMAGNE, B and VANDAM, P and DAVENPORT, M and DELORME, S and DOLBEAU, J and and DRACOS, M and DRIS, M and DULINSKI, W and ENGEL, JP and EVERS, G and and FASSOULIOTIS, D and FILIPPAS, TA and FOKITIS, E and FRAISSARD, D and and GAUMANN, E and GAZIS, E and GORET, B and GUGLIELMI, L and HAHN, F and and HAIDER, S and HERBST, I and HONORE, PF and HUSSON, D and IOANNOU, P and and JUILLOT, P and KALKANIS, G and KARVELAS, E and KATSANEVAS, S and and KATSOUFIS, E and KESTEMAN, J and KJAER, N and KLEMPT, W and KOENE, B and and DEKONING, N and KORPORAAL, A and KOURKOUMELIS, C and LAMBROPOULOS, C and and LANGERVELD, D and LECOEUR, G and LENZEN, G and LORENZ, P and LOUKAS, D and and MALTEZOS, A and MALTEZOS, S and MARKOU, A and MOURGUE, G and and NICOLAIDOU, R and NOPPE, JM and PAPADOPOULOU, TD and POUTOT, D and and RAYNAUD, J and RESVANIS, LK and ROSSO, E and SCHAEFFER, M and SCHYNS, E and and STAVROPOULOS, G and STRUB, R and THADOME, J and THEODOSIOU, GE and and TOET, DZ and TRISTRAM, G and TSIROU, A and TZAMARIAS, S and VERGEZAC, P and and VOULGARIS, G and WERNER, J", journal = "NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT", year = "1992", volume = "323", number = "1-2", pages = "351-362", publisher = "ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV", doi = "10.1016/0168-9002(92)90315-U", abstract = "A short explanation is given of the Barrel Ring Imaging CHerenkov (BRICH) detector and its performance. We discuss in brief some of the requirements to run this detector. Special attention is paid to the functioning of the Cherenkov photon detector - a photosensitive gas-filled drift chamber where the photoelectrons drift to a MWPC of special construction. We illustrate the BRICH performance with some preliminary results." }