@article{3047314, title = "OPERATIONAL EXPERIENCE WITH THE 4-PI RING IMAGING CHERENKOV DETECTOR OF DELPHI", author = "ADAM, W and ALBRECHT, E and ALLEN, D and ANDRIEUX, ML and VANAPELDOORN, and G and ARNOUD, Y and AUBRET, C and AUGUSTINUS, A and BAILLON, P and and BATTAGLIA, M and BERGGREN, M and BLOCH, D and BOTNER, O and BOURDARIOS, and C and BRUNET, JM and BUDZIAK, AP and BUYS, A and CARECCHIO, P and and CARRIE, P and CAVALLI, P and GERUTTI, G and CHEVRY, M and CHRISTOPHEL, E and and DAHLJENSEN, E and DAMGAARD, G and DIMITRIOU, N and DALMAGNE, B and and DAVENPORT, M and DOLBEAU, J and DRACOS, M and DRIS, M and EEK, LO and and EKELOF, T and ENGEL, JP and FASSOULIOTIS, D and FILIPPAS, TA and and FOKITIS, E and FONTANELLI, F and FONTENILLE, A and FRAISSARD, D and and FULDA, F and FURSTENAU, H and GARCIA, J and GAZIS, EN and GILLESPIE, D and and GRACCO, V and GUGLIELMI, L and HAHN, F and HAIDER, S and HALLGREN, A and and HAO, W and HENKES, T and HONORE, PF and HUET, K and ILIE, S and and IOANNOU, P and JUILLOT, P and KARVELAS, E and KATSANEVAS, S and and KATSOUFIS, E and KJAER, N and KLUIT, PM and KOENE, B and KOURKOUMELIS, C and and LECOEUR, G and LENZEN, G and LINDQVIST, LE and AGUERA, AL and and LOUKAS, D and MALTEZOS, A and MALTEZOS, S and MARKOU, A and MEDBO, J and and MICHALOWSKI, J and MONTANO, F and MOURGUE, G and NIELSEN, BS and and NICOLAIDOU, R and OSTLER, JM and PAPADOPOULOU, TD and PETROLINI, A and and POLOK, G and POUTOT, D and RAHMANI, H and REALE, M and RESVANIS, LK and and SAJOT, G and SANNINO, M and SARAGAS, E and SCHYNS, E and SQUARCIA, S and and STASSI, P and STRUB, R and THADOME, J and THEODOSIOU, GE and TOET, DZ and and TRASPEDINI, L and TRIPODI, G and TRISTRAM, G and TSIROU, A and and ULLALAND, O and DELAVEGA, AS and ZAVRTANIK, M and ZEVGOLATAKOS, E", journal = "NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT", year = "1995", volume = "360", number = "1-2", pages = "416-422", publisher = "ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV", doi = "10.1016/0168-9002(94)01624-0", abstract = "The ring imaging Cherenkov detector in the DELPHI Experiment at LEP allows hadron identification over a momentum range up to about 40 Gev/c over a near to 4 pi solid angle. Photons emitted by charged particles traversing gas and liquid radiators which are filled with UV-transparent perfluorocarbons, are used for Cherenkov angle reconstruction. Stable operation ensures that the detector is an efficient and powerful instrument. Monitoring of the detector parameters is of utmost importance to achieve good data quality and adequate data processing. The hadron identifying power of the ring imaging Cherenkov detector closely meets the main design values. Computerized control and monitoring features of the different subsystems will be presented. The interplay between detector parameters and the particle separating capacity of the detector will be discussed." }