@article{3051134, title = "European Collaborative Project on Affective Disorders: interactions between genetic and psychosocial vulnerability factors", author = "Souery, D and Lipp, O and Serretti, A and Mahieu, B and Rivelli, SK and and Cavallini, C and Ackenheil, M and Adolfsson, R and Aschauer, H and and Blackwood, D and Dam, H and Delcoigne, B and Demartelaer, V and Dikeos, and D and Fuchshuber, S and Heiden, M and Jablensky, A and Jakovljevic, M and and Kessing, L and Lerer, B and Macedo, A and Mellerup, T and Milanova, and V and Muir, W and Nylander, PO and Oruc, L and Papadimitriou, GN and and Pekkarinen, P and Peltonen, L and de Azevedo, MHP and Pull, C and and Shapira, B and Smeraldi, E and Staner, L and Stefanis, C and Verga, M and and Verheyen, G and Macciardi, F and Van Broeckhoven, C and Mendlewicz, and J", journal = "Psychiatric Genetics", year = "1998", volume = "8", number = "4", pages = "197-205", publisher = "Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins", issn = "0955-8829, 1473-5873", doi = "10.1097/00041444-199808040-00001", keywords = "bipolar affective disorder; unipolar affective disorders; linkage; association study; candidate genes; multicenter; European", abstract = "Despite strong evidence provided by genetic epidemiology of genetic involvement in the aetiology of bipolar and unipolar affective disorders, the exact nature of the predisposing gene(s) is still being investigated through linkage and association studies. The interaction of susceptibility genes and environmental factors in these diseases is also of fundamental importance and requires proper investigation. Interesting theories have recently been proposed examining the possible role of various chromosomal regions, candidate genes and mutations in affective disorders. Reliable multicentre-based methodology is currently being employed to examine these theories, with attention given to statistical analysis and the statistical power of the sample. The present article describes the European Collaborative Project on Affective Disorders (ECPAD) ‘Interactions between genetic and psychosocial vulnerability factors’, involving 15 European centres. A description is given of the association and family samples collected for the project and also the methodology used to analyse interactions in the gene-psychosocial environment. This material provides a powerful tool in the search for susceptibility genes in affective disorders and takes into account non-genetic aetiological factors. Psychiatr Genet 8:197-205 (C) 1998 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins." }