@article{3063385, title = "On the standard Galerkin method with explicit RK4 time stepping for the shallow water equations", author = "Antonopoulos, D.C. and Dougalis, V.A. and Kounadis, G.", journal = "IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis", year = "2020", volume = "40", number = "4", pages = "2415-2449", publisher = "Oxford University Press", issn = "0272-4979, 1464-3642", doi = "10.1093/IMANUM/DRZ033", keywords = "Finite element method; Galerkin methods; Initial value problems; Mesh generation; Runge Kutta methods, Error estimates; Explicit Runge-Kutta methods; Finite element space; Fourth order four-stage explicit runge-kuttum method; Fourth-order; Galerkin finite element methods; Shallow water equations; Simple++; Standard galerkin finite element method; Time-stepping, Equations of motion", abstract = "We consider a simple initial-boundary-value problem for the shallow water equations in one space dimension. We discretize the problem in space by the standard Galerkin finite element method on a quasiuniform mesh and in time by the classical four-stage, fourth order, explicit Runge-Kutta scheme. Assuming smoothness of solutions, a Courant number restriction and certain hypotheses on the finite element spaces, we prove L2 error estimates that are of fourth-order accuracy in the temporal variable and of the usual, due to the nonuniform mesh, suboptimal order in space.We also make a computational study of the numerical spatial and temporal orders of convergence, and of the validity of a hypothesis made on the finite element spaces. © 2020 Oxford University Press. All rights reserved." }