@article{3070802, title = "5G connected and automated driving: use cases, technologies and trials in cross-border environments", author = "Hetzer, D. and Muehleisen, M. and Kousaridas, A. and Barmpounakis, S. and Wendt, S. and Eckert, K. and Schimpe, A. and Löfhede, J. and Alonso-Zarate, J.", journal = "EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking", year = "2021", volume = "2021", number = "1", publisher = "Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH", issn = "1687-1472, 1687-1499", doi = "10.1186/s13638-021-01976-6", keywords = "Automation; Automobile manufacture; Budget control; Information services, Automated driving; Automated vehicles; Car manufacturers; Cooperative collision avoidance; European Commission; European Countries; Real time service; Technical challenges, 5G mobile communication systems", abstract = "Cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM) across Europe requires harmonized solutions to support cross-border seamless operation. The possibility of providing CCAM services across European countries has an enormous innovative business potential. However, the seamless provision of connectivity and the uninterrupted delivery of real-time services pose technical challenges which 5G technologies aim to solve. The situation is particularly challenging given the multi-country, multi-operator, multi-telco-vendor, multi-car-manufacturer and cross-network-generation scenario of any cross-border scenario. Motivated by this, the 5GCroCo project, with a total budget of 17 million Euro and partially funded by the European Commission, aims at validating 5G technologies in the Metz-Merzig-Luxembourg cross-border 5G corridor considering the borders between France, Germany and Luxembourg. The activities of 5GCroCo are organized around three use cases: (1) Tele-operated Driving, (2) high-definition map generation and distribution for automated vehicles and (3) Anticipated Cooperative Collision Avoidance (ACCA). The results of the project help contribute to a true European transnational CCAM. This paper describes the overall objectives of the project, motivated by the discussed challenges of cross-border operation, the use cases along with their requirements, the technical 5G features that will be validated and provides a description of the planned trials within 5GCroCo together with some initial results. © 2021, The Author(s)." }