@article{3072544, title = "A search for QPOs in the blazar OJ287: Preliminary results from the 2015/2016 observing campaign", author = "Zola, S. and Valtonen, M. and Bhatta, G. and Goyal, A. and Debski, B. and Baran, A. and Krzesinski, J. and Siwak, M. and Ciprini, S. and Gopakumar, A. and Jermak, H. and Nilsson, K. and Reichart, D. and Matsumoto, K. and Sadakane, K. and Gazeas, K. and Kidger, M. and Piirola, V. and Alicavus, F. and Baliyan, K.S. and Berdyugin, A. and Boyd, D. and Campas Torrent, M. and Campos, F. and Carrillo Gómez, J. and Caton, D.B. and Chavushyan, V. and Dalessio, J. and Dimitrov, D. and Drozdz, M. and Er, H. and Erdem, A. and Escartin Pérez, A. and Fallah Ramazani, V. and Filippenko, A.V. and Garcia, F. and Gómez Pinilla, F. and Gopinathan, M. and Haislip, J.B. and Harmanen, J. and Hudec, R. and Hurst, G. and Ivarsen, K.M. and Jelinek, M. and Joshi, A. and Kagitani, M. and Kaur, N. and Keel, W.C. and LaCluyze, A.P. and Lee, B.C. and Lindfors, E. and Lozano de Haro, J. and Moore, J.P. and Mugrauer, M. and Naves Nogues, R. and Neely, A.W. and Nelson, R.H. and Ogloza, W. and Okano, S. and Pandey, J.C. and Perri, M. and Pihajoki, P. and Poyner, G. and Provencal, J. and Pursimo, T. and Raj, A. and Reinthal, R. and Sadegi, S. and Sakanoi, T. and Sameer and González, J.-L.S. and Schweyer, T. and Soldán Alfaro, F.C. and Karaman, N. and Sonbas, E. and Steele, I. and Stocke, J.T. and Strobl, J. and Takalo, L.O. and Tomov, T. and Tremosa Espasa, L. and Valdes, J.R. and Valero Pérez, J. and Verrecchia, F. and Webb, J.R. and Yoneda, M. and Zejmo, M. and Zheng, W. and Telting, J. and Saario, J. and Reynolds, T. and Kvammen, A. and Gafton, E. and Karjalainen, R. and Blay, P.", journal = "GALAXEA", year = "2016", volume = "4", number = "4", publisher = "MDPI AG", issn = "0287-6779", doi = "10.3390/galaxies4040041", abstract = "We analyse the light curve in the R band of the blazar OJ287, gathered during the 2015/2016 observing season. We did a search for quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) using several methods over a wide range of timescales. No statistically significant periods were found in the high-frequency domain both in the ground-based data and in Kepler observations. In the longer-period domain, the Lomb-Scargle periodogram revealed several peaks above the 99% significance level. The longest one-about 95 days-corresponds to the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) period of the more massive black hole. The 43-day period could be an alias, or it can be attributed to accretion in the form of a two-armed spiral wave. © 2016 by the authors." }