@article{3075625, title = "Two pion Bose-Einstein correlations in pp annihilations at rest", author = "Adler, R. and Alhalel, A. and Angelopoulos, A. and Apostolakis, A. and Aslanides, E. and Backenstoss, G. and Bee, C.P. and Bennet, J. and Bertin, V. and Bienlein, J.K. and Bloch, P. and Bula, Ch. and Carlson, P. and Carvalho, J. and Cawley, E. and Charalambous, S. and Chardalas, M. and Chardin, G. and Danielsson, M. and Dedoussis, S. and Dejardin, M. and Derre, J. and Dodgson, M. and Dousse, J.C. and Duclos, J. and Ealet, A. and Eckart, B. and Eleftheriadis, C. and Evangelou, I. and Faravel, L. and Fassnacht, P. and Faure, J.L. and Felder, C. and Ferreira-Marques, R. and Fetscher, W. and Fidecaro, M. and Filipcic, A. and Francis, D. and Fry, J.R. and Fuglesang, C. and Gabathuler, E. and Garnet, R. and Garreta, D. and Geralis, T. and Gerber, H.-J. and Go, A. and Gumplinger, P. and Guyot, C. and Harrison, P.F. and Hayman, P.J. and Heyes, W.G. and Hollander, R.W. and Jansson, K. and Johner, H.U. and Jon-And, K. and Kerek, A. and Kern, J. and Kettle, P.-R. and Kochowski, C. and Kokkas, P. and Kreuger, R. and Lawry, T. and Le Gac, R. and Liolios, A. and Machado, E. and Maley, P. and Mandic, I. and Manthos, N. and Marel, G. and Mikuz, M. and Miller, J.P. and Montanet, F. and Nakada, T. and Onofre, A. and Pagels, B. and Pavlopoulos, P. and Pelucchi, F. and da Cunha, J.P. and Policarpo, A. and Polivka, G. and Postma, H. and Rickenbach, R. and Roberts, B.L. and Rozaki, E. and Ruf, T. and Sacks, L. and Sakeliou, L. and Sanders, P. and Santoni, C. and Sarigiannis, K. and Schäfer, M. and Schaller, L. and Schopper, A. and Schune, P. and Soares, A. and Szilagyi, S. and Tauscher, L. and Thibault, C. and Touchard, F. and Touramanis, C. and Triantis, F. and Troester, D.A. and Van Beveren, E. and Van den Putte, M. and Van Eijk, C.W.E. and Varner, G. and Vlachos, S. and Weber, P. and Wigger, O. and Witzig, C. and Wolter, O. and Yeche, C. and Zavrtanik, D. and Zimmerman, D.", journal = "Nuclear Physics, Section A", year = "1993", volume = "558", number = "C", pages = "43-51", doi = "10.1016/0375-9474(93)90381-7", abstract = "Bose-Einstein (BE) correlations between like-sign charged pions were studied in pp annihilations at rest into four-prong events, using data taken with the CPLEAR detector at LEAR (CERN). A strong enhancement was found in the production of pairs of like-sign pions of similar momenta, with respect to the pairs of unlike-sign pions. The observed BE- enhancement was used to extract the values for the strength λ of the effect and the radius r of the pion emitting source. The extracted value of λ > l is of relevant importance and clearly does not depend on the assumed parametrization of the correlation function. The influence of the normalization and fitting procedure, the detector resolution, the resonances production and decay and the neutral-pion multiplicity cuts, on the size of the pion source and the strength of the effect was investigated. © 1993." }