@article{3078772, title = "Point-of-need molecular processing of biosamples using portable instrumentation to reduce turnaround time", author = "Kambouris, M.E. and Siamoglou, S. and Kordou, Z. and Milioni, A. and Vassilakis, S. and Goudoudaki, S. and Kritikou, S. and Manoussopoulos, Y. and Velegraki, A. and Patrinos, G.P.", journal = "Biosafety and Health", year = "2020", volume = "2", number = "3", pages = "177-182", publisher = "Elsevier B.V.", doi = "10.1016/j.bsheal.2020.06.001", abstract = "Infectious agents, both standard and emerging or engineered, might initiate outbreaks with global impact and/or existential- level threat potential. Such agents might infect human, livestock, exploitable plant cultures or the environment at large. Instead of responding by sampling teams which may also carry out prolonged surveillance, a more effective concept is to pre-process the samples, possibly to nucleic acid extract so as to transport them without biological risks by standard channels, or to process them up to a point and return the results, leaving the samples which only need specialized tests and dedicated equipment. In this context a portable device, allowing multiple routine and crisis -management applications due to its inherent flexibility, is scrutinized against alternatives and possible needs so as to develop a novel standard of surveillance and intervention, meant to facilitate containment by providing faster much more reliable laboratory results at a fraction of older generation mobile nucleic acids analyzers. Additional steps, such as agarose in pills and buffers pre-packaged in expendable syringes with pistons locked by improvised safety features may improve the Complexity Level of the whole system so as to make it appealing to intervention/crisis management personnel, while the instrument proper may double as backup for respective benchtop devices. © 2020 Elsevier B.V." }