@article{3078782, title = "Toward High-Throughput Fungal Electroculturomics and New Omics Methodologies in 21st-Century Microbiology and Ecology", author = "Stathoulias, A. and Milioni, A. and Kritikou, S. and Karmakolia, A. and Goudoudaki, S. and Siamoglou, S. and Chassomeris, C. and Vassilakis, S. and Karamperis, K. and Velegraki, A. and Anastassopoulou, C. and Manoussopoulos, Y. and Patrinos, G.P. and Kambouris, M.E.", journal = "OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology", year = "2020", volume = "24", number = "8", pages = "493-504", publisher = "MARY ANN LIEBERT INC PUBL", issn = "1536-2310, 1557-8100", doi = "10.1089/omi.2020.0012", keywords = "glucose, Article; Aspergillus niger; Candida parapsilosis; cell plasticity; controlled study; Cryptococcus neoformans; ecology; electrostimulation; fungus; fungus growth; Fusarium oxysporum; Glomerella cingulata; microbiology; Mucor; nonhuman; omics; priority journal; Pythium ultimum; Rhizoctonia; Rhizopus oryzae; fungus; high throughput screening; microbiological examination; microbiology; physiology; procedures; research, Ecology; Fungi; High-Throughput Screening Assays; Microbiological Techniques; Microbiology; Research", abstract = "Modern microbiology and drug development are in a watershed moment with the advent of electroceuticals. In addition to genomics, electrical impulses in an organism are believed to contribute to tissue and cellular plasticity. Hence, electroceuticals or bioelectronics offers the promise to identify innovative approaches to treat human diseases. However, applications toward electromicrobiology are still limited and rare, despite the high potential to innovate the fields of both microbiology and therapeutics. For example, electric modalities for manipulating microbial growth are highly sustainable; can be combined with biopharmaceuticals, probiotics, and pharmacobiotics; and, thus, are well poised for use in medicine, public health, and ecology and diverse industries. We report here the introduction of a new research framework and technology platform for electroculturomics, by coupling standard solid-state mycological cultures with conductive treatment using a conformité Européene (CE-)-certified medical ionophoresis device. We share our experience with a diverse range of fungi that have been treated with the electroculturomics approach reported herein. We suggest that this line of inquiry can be extended to electrotranscriptomics and electrometabolomics by deploying electroculturomics in tandem with multi-omics approaches in the future. This article makes a specific contribution to fungal microbiology, and a broader contribution to advance the theory and practice of the field of electroculturomics emerging in 21st-century microbiology and ecology research. © Copyright 2020, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc." }