@article{3086364, title = "Secondary polycystic ovary syndrome: Theoretical and practical aspects", author = "Pasquali, R. and Diamanti-Kandarakis, E. and Gambineri, A.", journal = "European Journal of Endocrinology", year = "2016", volume = "175", number = "4", pages = "R157-R169", publisher = "BioScientifica Ltd", issn = "0804-4643, 1479-683X", doi = "10.1530/EJE-16-0374", keywords = "anticonvulsive agent, bariatric surgery; clinical feature; clinical practice; clinical research; endocrine disease; female; hormone action; hormone metabolism; human; in vitro study; insulin resistance; lifestyle modification; meta analysis (topic); nonhuman; obesity; ovary polycystic disease; pathophysiology; priority journal; Review; weight reduction; hyperandrogenism; phenotype; Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Female; Humans; Hyperandrogenism; Phenotype; Polycystic Ovary Syndrome", abstract = "PCOS is a clinical heterogeneous entity of female androgen excess diagnosed by exclusion of other disorders responsible for androgen excess. The concept of secondary PCOS implies that there is a primary well-defined cause leading to the PCOS phenotype with underlying androgen overproduction, regardless of the origin. In these cases, we presume the term of 'secondary PCOS' could be used. In all these conditions, the potential complete recovery of the hyperandrogenemic state as well as the remission of the PCOS phenotype should follow the removal of the cause. If accepted, these concepts could help clinicians to perform in-depth investigations of the potential factors or disorders responsible for the development of these specific forms of secondary PCOS. Additionally, this could contribute to develop further research on factors and mechanisms involved in the development of the classic and the nonclassic PCOS Phenotypes. © 2016 European Society of Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain." }