@article{3094286, title = "MINERvA : High statistics neutrino scattering using a fine-grained detector", author = "Naples, D and Blazey, G and Bodek, A and Boehnlein, D and Boyd, S and and Brooks, WK and Bruells, A and Budd, H and Burnstein, R and Casper, D and and Chakravorty, A and Christy, ME and Chvojka, J and Cummings, MAC and and Drakoulakos, D and Dunmore, J and Ents, R and Gallagher, H and Gaskells, and D and Gilman, R and Glasshausser, C and Harris, DA and Hinton, W and and Jiang, X and Kafka, T and Kamaev, O and Keppel, CE and Kostin, M and and Kulagin, S and Kumbartzki, G and McCormick, K and McFarland, K and and Manly, S and Mann, WA and Melnitchouks, W and Morfin, JG and Nelson, JK and and Niculescu, G and Niculescu, I and Oliver, W and Paolone, V and Park, and J and Paschos, E and Ransome, R and Regis, C and Rykalin, V and and Sakumoto, W and Shanahan, P and Solomey, N and Spentzouris, P and and Stamoulis, P and Tzanakos, G and Woods, S and Ziemer, B and Zois, M and and MINERvA Collaboration", journal = "INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A", year = "2005", volume = "20", number = "14", pages = "3078-3081", publisher = "WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD", issn = "0217-751X", doi = "10.1142/S0217751X05025796", keywords = "neutrinos; oscillations", abstract = "The MINERvA experiment at Fermilab will use a fully-active scintillator based fine grained neutrino detector and the high rate NuMI neutrino beam. MINERvA will measure low energy neutrino interaction properties and cross sections to a new level of precision. These measurements will be critical input to present and future accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiments in this energy range." }