@article{3107616, title = "Successful non-operative management of blunt abdominal trauma in highly selective cases: A safe and effective choice [Yüksek derecede selektif olgularda künt abdominal travmanın başarılı cerrahidışı tedavisi: Güvenli ve etkili bir seçim]", author = "Liagkos, G.T. and Spyropoulos, C. and Tsourouflis, G. and Papadopoulos, A. and Ioannides, P. and Vagianos, C.", journal = "Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi", year = "2018", volume = "24", number = "2", pages = "104-109", publisher = "Turkish Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery", doi = "10.5505/tjtes.2017.83404", keywords = "abdominal blunt trauma; adult; Article; artificial embolization; blood transfusion; catheterization; clinical effectiveness; clinical evaluation; clinical protocol; conservative treatment; controlled study; demography; developmental stability; echography; exploratory behavior; female; health care cost; hematoma; hemodynamics; hemoperitoneum; hospital admission; hospitalization; human; injury scale; injury severity; laparotomy; major clinical study; male; middle aged; morbidity; mortality; organ injury; peritoneum lavage; peritonitis; physical examination; prospective study; radiological parameters; retrospective study; self evaluation; x-ray computed tomography; young adult; abdominal injury; blunt trauma; risk factor, Abdominal Injuries; Humans; Injury Severity Score; Risk Factors; Wounds, Nonpenetrating", abstract = "BACKGROUND: The non-operative management (NOM) of abdominal injuries has gained wide acceptance over the last few decades. The present study evaluated the efficacy of NOM in blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) at a regional Hellenic hospital. METHODS: We analyzed the results of a pre-decided treatment protocol, which was applied to all patients hospitalized for BAT, from 2008 to 2015. The protocol proposed NOM in hemodynamically stable patients with no signs of peritonitis. The demographic characteristics, type of injury, injured organ(s), type of management (operative vs. non-operative), Injury Severity Score (ISS), morbidity, mortality rates, and health costs were evaluated. RESULTS: One hundred and forty-six patients hospitalized for BAT at our department were included. Among them, 49 were operated and 97 were subjected to NOM. Although ISS was significantly higher in the surgical group, the severity of injuries in liver, spleen, and kidneys was not different between the two groups. Surprisingly, no case subjected to NOM required a conversion to operative management, which may probably be because of the strict inclusion criteria for NOM. CONCLUSION: Patients with hemodynamic stability and normal physical examination may be non-operatively treated, independent of the grade of injury, in highly selective cases. ISS score is an independent risk factor for surgical treatment. © 2018 Turkish Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery." }