@article{3108049, title = "Early career members at the ers international congress 2017: Highlights from the assemblies", author = "Kahn, N. and Tomos, I. and Andrianopoulos, V. and Arikan, H. and van der Does, A. and Almendros, I. and Bonvivi, S. and Morgan, A. and Nenna, R. and Magouliotis, D. and Rutter, M. and De Soomer, K. and Nyberg, A. and Lundell, S. and Leceuvre, K. and Singanayagam, A. and Bostantzoglou, C. and Karmouty-Quintana, H. and De Brandt, J.", journal = "Journal of Breath Research", year = "2017", volume = "13", number = "4", pages = "e121-e129", publisher = "European Respiratory Society", issn = "1752-7155, 1752-7163", doi = "10.1183/20734735.017617", keywords = "BCG vaccine; gefapixant; riociguat; sclerosing agent; tuberculostatic agent; tumor marker, acute respiratory failure; Article; asthma; aviation; BCG vaccination; cancer immunotherapy; cancer screening; career; chronic obstructive lung disease; comorbidity; computer assisted tomography; coughing; genetics; human; lung cancer; lung transplantation; lung tuberculosis; malignant pleura effusion; nonhuman; noninvasive ventilation; organization; pathogenesis; practice guideline; pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary rehabilitation; respiratory tract disease; sleep disordered breathing; transbronchial aspiration" }