@article{3109894, title = "Differential expression of miR-4520a is associated with gain of function mutations in Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF)", author = "Latsoudis, H. and Mashreghi, M.F. and Gruen, J. and Chang, H.-D. and Stuhlmueller, B. and Repa, A. and Gergiannaki, I. and Kabouraki, E. and Papakosta, P. and Haeupl, T. and Radbruch, A. and Sidiropoulos, P. and Kardassis, D. and Boumpas, D. and Goulielmos, G.", journal = "Pediatric Rheumatology", year = "2015", volume = "13", number = "1", publisher = "BioMed Central Ltd.", issn = "1546-0096", doi = "10.1186/1546-0096-13-S1-O10", keywords = "membrane protein; microRNA; microRNA 4520a; pyrin; Rheb protein; RNA 18S; unclassified drug, 18S RNA gene; 3' untranslated region; Article; clinical article; controlled study; familial Mediterranean fever; gain of function mutation; gene; gene expression; genetic association; human; human cell; luciferase assay; monocyte; peripheral blood mononuclear cell; priority journal; real time polymerase chain reaction; Rheb gene; RNU6B gene; Western blotting" }