@article{3116635, title = "Moya moya syndrome in a child with pyruvate kinase deficiency and combined prothrombotic factors", author = "Skardoutsou, Angeliki and Voudris, Konstantinos A. and Mastroyianni, and Sotiria and Vagiakou, Eleni and Magoufis, George and Koukoutsakis, Peter", journal = "Journal of Child Neurology", year = "2007", volume = "22", number = "4", pages = "474-478", publisher = "SAGE Publications Inc.", issn = "0883-0738, 1708-8828", doi = "10.1177/0883073807301934", keywords = "pyruvate kinase deficiency; moya moya syndrome; lipoprotein (a); C677T mutation of the methylenetetrahydrofolate; reductase gene", abstract = "A 13-year-old Greek girl with pyruvate kinase deficiency and moya moya angiographic pattern is reported. She also had raised serum lipoprotein (a) concentration and was homozygous for the C677T mutation of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene. She presented with neonatal onset of anemia, hemolytic and aplastic crises, especially during infections, stroke, and also progressive motor and mental deterioration. A digital cranial angiography at 13 years revealed the typical angiographic findings of moya moya angiopathy. This is likely the first patient with pyruvate kinase deficiency and moya moya syndrome and also the combination of elevated serum lipoprotein (a) concentration and the C677T mutation of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene to be reported. In patients with pyruvate kinase deficiency and moya moya syndrome, a search for raised serum lipoprotein (a) concentrations and the C677T mutation of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene should be considered." }