@article{3116930, title = "Charge-separated atmospheric neutrino-induced muons in the MINOS far detector", author = "Adamson, P. and Andreopoulos, C. and Arms, K. E. and Armstrong, R. and and Auty, D. J. and Avvakumov, S. and Ayres, D. S. and Baller, B. and and Barish, B. and Barnes, Jr., P. D. and Barr, G. and Barrett, W. L. and and Beall, E. and Becker, B. R. and Belias, A. and Bergfeld, T. and and Bernstein, R. H. and Bhattacharya, D. and Bishai, M. and Blake, A. and and Bock, B. and Bock, G. J. and Boehm, J. and Boehnlein, D. J. and Bogert, and D. and Border, P. M. and Bower, C. and Buckley-Geer, E. and Cabrera, A. and and Chapman, J. D. and Cherdack, D. and Childress, S. and Choudhary, B. and C. and Cobb, J. H. and Culling, A. J. and de Jong, J. K. and De Santo, and A. and Dierckxsens, M. and Diwan, M. V. and Dorman, M. and Drakoulakos, and D. and Durkin, T. and Erwin, A. R. and Escobar, C. O. and Evans, J. J. and and Harris, E. Falk and Feldman, G. J. and Fields, T. H. and Ford, R. and and Frohne, M. V. and Gallagher, H. R. and Giurgiu, G. A. and Godley, A. and and Gogos, J. and Goodman, M. C. and Gouffon, P. and Gran, R. and and Grashorn, E. W. and Grossman, N. and Grzelak, K. and Habig, A. and and Harris, D. and Harris, P. G. and Hartnell, J. and Hartouni, E. P. and and Hatcher, R. and Heller, K. and Holin, A. and Howcroft, C. and Hylen, J. and and Indurthy, D. and Irwin, G. M. and Ishitsuka, M. and Jaffe, D. E. and and James, C. and Jenner, L. and Jensen, D. and Joffe-Minor, T. and Kafka, and T. and Kang, H. J. and Kasahara, S. M. S. and Kim, M. S. and Koizumi, G. and and Kopp, S. and Kordosky, M. and Koskinen, D. J. and Kotelnikov, S. K. and and Kreymer, A. and Kumaratunga, S. and Lang, K. and Lebedev, A. and and Lee, R. and Ling, J. and Liu, J. and Litchfield, P. J. and Litchfield, and R. P. and Lucas, P. and Mann, W. A. and Marchionni, A. and Marino, A. D. and and Marshak, M. L. and Marshall, J. S. and Mayer, N. and McGowan, A. M. and and Meier, J. R. and Merzon, G. I. and Messier, M. D. and Michael, D. G. and and Milburn, R. H. and Miller, J. L. and Miller, W. H. and Mishra, S. R. and and Mislivec, A. and Miyagawa, P. S. and Moore, C. D. and Morfin, J. and and Mualem, L. and Mufson, S. and Murgia, S. and Musser, J. and Naples, D. and and Nelson, J. K. and Newman, H. B. and Nichol, R. J. and Nicholls, T. and C. and Ochoa-Ricoux, J. P. and Oliver, W. P. and Osiecki, T. and and Ospanov, R. and Paley, J. and Paolone, V. and Para, A. and Patzak, T. and and Pavlovic, Z. and Pearce, G. F. and Peck, C. W. and Peterson, E. A. and and Petyt, D. A. and Ping, H. and Piteira, R. and Pittam, R. and and Plunkett, R. K. and Rahman, D. and Rameika, R. A. and Raufer, T. M. and and Rebel, B. and Reichenbacher, J. and Reyna, D. E. and Rosenfeld, C. and and Rubin, H. A. and Ruddick, K. and Ryabov, V. A. and Saakyan, R. and and Sanchez, M. C. and Saoulidou, N. and Schneps, J. and Schreiner, P. and and Semenov, V. K. and Seun, S.-M. and Shanahan, P. and Smart, W. and and Smirnitsky, V. and Smith, C. and Sousa, A. and Speakman, B. and and Stamoulis, P. and Symes, P. A. and Tagg, N. and Talaga, R. L. and and Tetteh-Lartey, E. and Thomas, J. and Thompson, J. and Thomson, M. A. and and Thron, J. L. and Tinti, G. and Trostin, I. and Tsarev, V. A. and and Tzanakos, G. and Urheim, J. and Vahle, P. and Verebryusov, V. and Viren, and B. and Ward, C. P. and Ward, D. R. and Watabe, M. and Weber, A. and and Webb, R. C. and Wehmann, A. and West, N. and White, C. and Wojcicki, S. and G. and Wright, D. M. and Wu, Q. K. and Yang, T. and Yumiceva, F. X. and and Zheng, H. and Zois, M. and Zwaska, R. and MINOS Collaboration", journal = "Physical Review D", year = "2007", volume = "75", number = "9", publisher = "AMER PHYSICAL SOC", issn = "2470-0010, 2470-0029", doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.75.092003", abstract = "We found 140 neutrino-induced muons in 854.24 live days in the MINOS far detector, which has an acceptance for neutrino-induced muons of 6.91x10(6) cm(2) sr. We looked for evidence of neutrino disappearance in this data set by computing the ratio of the number of low momentum muons to the sum of the number of high momentum and unknown momentum muons for both data and Monte Carlo expectation in the absence of neutrino oscillations. The ratio of data and Monte Carlo ratios, R, is R=0.65(-0.12)(+0.15)(stat)+/- 0.09(syst), a result that is consistent with an oscillation signal. A fit to the data for the oscillation parameters sin(2)2 theta(23) and Delta m(23)(2) excludes the null oscillation hypothesis at the 94% confidence level. We separated the muons into mu(-) and mu(+) in both the data and Monte Carlo events and found the ratio of the total number of mu(-) to mu(+) in both samples. The ratio of those ratios, R boolean AND(CPT), is a test of CPT conservation. The result R boolean AND(CPT)=0.72(-0.18)(+0.24)(stat)(-0.04)(+0.08)(syst) is consistent with CPT conservation." }