@article{3120750, title = "Letter to the Editor Regarding “A Review of Physical Simulators for Neuroendoscopy Skills Training”", author = "Salmas, M. and Paraskevas, G. and Noussios, G. and Chytas, D.", journal = "World Neurosurgery", year = "2020", volume = "141", pages = "529-530", publisher = "HANLEY & BELFUS-ELSEVIER INC", issn = "1878-8750", doi = "10.1016/j.wneu.2020.05.115", keywords = "construct validity; craniofacial synostosis; curriculum; endoscopic sinus surgery; graduate student; human; neuroendoscopy; neurosurgeon; nose cavity; Note; otolaryngologist; paranasal sinus; skill; skull surgery; surgical training; three dimensional printing; physical examination; simulation training, Humans; Neuroendoscopy; Physical Examination; Simulation Training" }