@article{3121239, title = "Letter to the Editor Regarding: “Development of a Novel 3D-Printed Phantom for Teaching Neurosurgical Trainees the Freehand Technique of C2 Laminar Screw Placement”", author = "Chytas, D. and Babis, G.C. and Chronopoulos, E. and Kaseta, M.-K. and Markatos, K. and Nikolaou, V.S.", journal = "World Neurosurgery", year = "2020", volume = "136", pages = "437-438", publisher = "HANLEY & BELFUS-ELSEVIER INC", issn = "1878-8750", doi = "10.1016/j.wneu.2020.01.105", keywords = "human; neuroanatomy; neurosurgeon; neurosurgery; Note; questionnaire; spine surgery; surgical training; three dimensional printing; pedicle screw; three dimensional printing, Pedicle Screws; Printing, Three-Dimensional" }