@article{3122755, title = "ESVM integrated care pathways -a call for action", author = "Vison, A. and Pesavento, R. and Mazzolai, L. and Cimminiello, C. and P'csv'rady, Z. and Olinic, D. and Johansson, E. and Belch, J. and Boc, V. and Brodmann, M. and Carpentier, P.H. and Chraim, A. and Colgan, M.-P. and Dimakakos, E. and Gotts'ter, A. and Heiss, C. and Madaric, J. and Poredo, P. and Quere, I. and Roztocil, K. and Stanek, A. and Vasic, D. and Wautrecht, J.-C.", journal = "VASA-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF VASCULAR MEDICINE", year = "2019", volume = "48", number = "2", pages = "113-114", publisher = "Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG", doi = "10.1024/0301-1526/a000755", keywords = "decision making; Editorial; European Society of Vascular Disease; government; health care cost; health care management; health care organization; health care personnel; health care planning; health care quality; health service; human; integrated care pathway; knowledge; multidisciplinary team; patient satisfaction; public health; questionnaire; treatment outcome; vascular disease; integrated health care system, Delivery of Health Care, Integrated" }