@article{3127880, title = "Troponin levels after TAVI are related to the development of distinct electrocardiographic changes", author = "Vavuranakis, M. and Kariori, M. and Voudris, V. and Thomopoulou, S. and Aznaouridis, K. and Kalogeras, K. and Vrachatis, D. and Moldovan, C. and Dima, I. and Milkas, A. and Tousoulis, D. and Stefanadis, C.", journal = "International Journal of Cardiology", year = "2013", volume = "167", number = "2", pages = "606-608", publisher = "Elsevier Ireland Ltd", issn = "0167-5273", doi = "10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.09.229", keywords = "troponin, aged; artificial heart pacemaker; controlled study; disease association; echocardiography; electrolyte disturbance; female; follow up; heart death; heart left bundle branch block; heart left ventricle ejection fraction; heart muscle conduction disturbance; heart muscle necrosis; hospital readmission; human; hypotension; letter; major clinical study; male; mechanical stress; priority journal; prosthetic valve dysfunction; QT interval; QT prolongation; surgical mortality; transcatheter aortic valve implantation" }