@article{3131083, title = "Ultrasonographically guided catheterization of the internal jugular vein", author = "Serafimidis, K. and Sakorafas, G.H.", journal = "ANZ Journal of Surgery", year = "2009", volume = "79", number = "9", pages = "585-587", issn = "1445-1433, 1445-2197", doi = "10.1111/j.1445-2197.2009.05010.x", keywords = "anatomy; artery puncture; brachial plexus injury; carotid artery; central venous catheterization; clavicle; cost effectiveness analysis; hematologic disease; hematoma; human; internal jugular vein; morbidity; neoplasm; obesity; operation duration; patient safety; peripheral nerve injury; pleura; pneumothorax; prediction; real time echography; short survey; soft tissue injury; sternoclavicular joint; sternocleidomastoid muscle; thorax radiography; Valsalva maneuver; vein diameter; vein injury; vein occlusion, Catheterization, Central Venous; Humans; Jugular Veins" }