@article{3142030, title = "Sequence-Based Identification of Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Mucorales Species in the Clinical Mycology Laboratory: Where Are We and Where Should We Go from Here?", author = "Balajee, S. A. and Borman, A. M. and Brandt, M. E. and Cano, J. and and Cuenca-Estrella, M. and Dannaoui, E. and Guarro, J. and Haase, G. and and Kibbler, C. C. and Meyer, W. and O'Donnell, K. and Petti, C. A. and and Rodriguez-Tudela, J. L. and Sutton, D. and Velegraki, A. and Wickes, B. and L.", journal = "Journal of Clinical Microbiology", year = "2009", volume = "47", number = "4", pages = "877-884", publisher = "AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY", issn = "0095-1137, 1098-660X", doi = "10.1128/JCM.01685-08" }