@article{3143998, title = "Impact of type 2 diabetes mellitus on diffuse inflammatory activation of de novo atheromatous lesions: Implications for systemic inflammation (vol 35, pg 299, 2009)", author = "Toutouzas, K. and Tsiamis, E. and Drakopoulou, M. and Synetos, A. and and Karampelas, J. and Riga, M. and Tsioufis, C. and Tousoulis, D. and and Stefanadi, E. and Vlasis, C. and Stefanadis, C.", journal = "Diabetes & Metabolism", year = "2009", volume = "35", number = "6, 1", pages = "495", publisher = "Masson Editeur", issn = "1262-3636", doi = "10.1016/j.diabet.2009.11.001" }