@article{3144954, title = "The first sport injuries in the history of medicine", author = "Nomikos, Nikitas N. and Nomikos, George N. and Nikolopoulos, and Konstantinos S. and Korres, Demetrios S.", journal = "Archives of Medical Science", year = "2010", volume = "6", number = "1", pages = "1-3", publisher = "Termedia Publishing House Ltd.", doi = "10.5114/aoms.2010.13498", keywords = "sport injuries; boxing; trauma; medicine", abstract = "Medical science is as old as human history and the need for disease treatment Archivists, researchers and historians are collaborating in the project to preserve the documentary inheritance and make the medical science useful to the public This research aims to identify and analyze the first registered sport injuries in the history of medicine. After a review of the literature, the Homeric epics, the texts of the first historical period of ancient Greece, were identified and analyzed as the texts which contain the first sport injuries in world history" }