@article{3155840, title = "The chimney graft technique for preserving renal arteries in stent-graft sealing zones", author = "Moulakakis, Konstantinos G. and Papapetrou, Anastasios and and Giannakopoulos, Triantafillos G. and Avgerinos, Efthimios D. and and Kakisis, John and Brountzos, Elias N. and Liapis, Christos D.", journal = "VASA-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF VASCULAR MEDICINE", year = "2012", volume = "41", number = "4", pages = "295-300", publisher = "VERLAG HANS HUBER HOGREFE AG", doi = "10.1024/0301-1526/a000207", keywords = "Aneurysm; chimney graft; snorkel technique; periscope", abstract = "Patients with juxtarenal aneurysms require complex surgical open repair, which is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. An alternative procedure that can be used is the “chimney graft” technique. Three cases of abdominal aortic aneurysms were successfully treated in our department with this technique. One type-la endoleak occurred which was successfully treated with coiling and biological glue infusion. All of the chimney grafts have remained patent for the period of observation. The “chimney” technique has good results as a bail out procedure in complex EVAR or in well planned difficult cases. Long-term data is necessary to determine the efficacy of this technique." }