@inproceedings{3159879, title = "Transfer vs. Breakup in the interaction of the Be-7 Radioactive Ion Beam with a Ni-58 target at Coulomb barrier energies", author = "Mazzocco, M. and Torresi, D. and Acosta, L. and Boiano, A. and Boiano, and C. and Fierro, N. and Glodariu, T. and Guglielmetti, A. and Keeley, N. and and La Commara, M. and Martel, I. and Mazzocchi, C. and Molini, P. and and Pakou, A. and Parascandolo, C. and Parkar, V. V. and Patronis, N. and and Pierroutsakou, D. and Romoli, M. and Rusek, K. and Sanchez-Benitez, A. and M. and Sandoli, M. and Signorini, C. and Silvestri, R. and Soramel, F. and and Stiliaris, E. and Strano, E. and Stroe, L. and Zerva, K.", year = "2014", publisher = "E D P SCIENCES", booktitle = "INPC 2013 - INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS CONFERENCE, VOL. 1", doi = "10.1051/epjconf/20146603060", abstract = "We measured for the first time Be-7 elastically scattered nuclei as well as He-3,He-4 reaction products from a Ni-58 target at 22.3 MeV beam energy. The data were analyzed within the optical model formalism to extract the total reaction cross section. Extensive kinematical, Distorted Wave Born Approximation (DWBA) and Continuum Discretized Coupled Channel (CDCC) calculations were performed to investigate the He-3,He-4 originating mechanisms and the interplay between different reaction channels." }