@article{3166150, title = "NEEDS-ASSESSMENT SURVEY FOR THE UPDATE OF THE CURRENT ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID SYNDROME (APS) CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA", author = "Barbhaiya, M. and Abreu, M. and Amigo, M. C. and Avcin, T. and and Bertolaccini, M. L. and Branch, W. and de Groot, P. G. and de Jesus, G. and and Levy, R. and Lockshin, M. and Tektonidou, M. and Wahl, D. and and Willis, R. and Zuily, S. and Costenbader, K. and Erkan, D.", journal = "Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases", year = "2015", volume = "74", number = "2", pages = "1087", publisher = "BMJ Publishing Group", issn = "0003-4967, 1468-2060", doi = "10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-eular.1330" }