@inproceedings{3172559, title = "The NUMEN Project @ LNS: Status and Perspectives", author = "Cappuzzello, F. and Agodi, C. and Acosta, L. and Auerbach, N. and and Bellone, J. and Bijker, R. and Bonanno, D. and Bongiovanni, D. and and Borello-Lewin, T. and Boztosun, I. and Branchina, V. and Bussa, M. P. and and Calabrese, S. and Calabretta, L. and Calanna, A. and Carbone, D. and and Cavallaro, M. and Calvo, D. and Lomeli, E. R. Chavez and Coban, A. and and Colonna, M. and D'Agostino, G. and Degeronimo, G. and Delaunay, F. and and Deshmukh, N. and de Faria, P. N. and Ferraresi, C. and Ferreira, J. L. and and Fisichella, M. and Foti, A. and Finocchiaro, P. and Gallo, G. and and Garcia, U. and Giraudo, G. and Greco, V. and Hacisalihoglu, A. and and Kotila, J. and Iazzi, F. and Introzzi, R. and Lanzalone, G. and Lavagno, and A. and La Via, F. and Lay, J. A. and Lenske, H. and Linares, R. and and Litrico, G. and Longhitano, F. and Lo Presti, D. and Lubian, J. and and Medina, N. and Mendes, D. R. and Muoio, A. and Oliveira, J. R. B. and and Pakou, A. and Pandola, L. and Petrascu, H. and Pinna, F. and Reito, S. and and Rifuggiato, D. and Rodrigues, M. R. D. and Russo, A. D. and Russo, and G. and Santagati, G. and Santopinto, E. and Sgouros, O. and Solakci, S. and O. and Souliotis, G. and Soukeras, V. and Spatafora, A. and Torresi, D. and and Tudisco, S. and Vsevolodovna, R. I. M. and Wheadon, R. J. and and Yildirin, A. and Zagatto, V.", year = "2017", publisher = "AMER INST PHYSICS", booktitle = "WORKSHOP ON CALCULATION OF DOUBLE-BETA-DECAY MATRIX ELEMENTS (MEDEX'17)", doi = "10.1063/1.5007629", abstract = "The NUMEN project aims at accessing experimentally driven information on Nuclear Matrix Elements (NME) involved in the half-life of the neutrinoless double beta decay (0 nu beta beta), by high-accuracy measurements of the cross sections of Heavy Ion (HI) induced Double Charge Exchange (DCE) reactions. Particular attention is given to the (O-18, Ne-18) and (Ne-20, O-20) reactions as tools for beta+beta+ and beta-beta-decays, respectively. First evidence about the possibility to get quantitative information about NME from experiments is found for both kind of reactions. In the experiments, performed at INFN Laboratory Nazionali del Sud (LNS) in Catania, the beams are accelerated by the Superconducting Cyclotron (CS) and the reaction products are detected the MAGNEX magnetic spectrometer. The measured cross sections are challengingly low, limiting the present exploration to few selected isotopes of interest in the context of typically low-yield experimental runs. A major upgrade of the LNS facility is foreseen in order to increase the experimental yield of at least two orders of magnitude, thus making feasible a systematic study of all the cases of interest. Frontiers technologies are going to be developed, to this purpose, for the accelerator and the detection systems. In parallel, advanced theoretical models will be developed in order to extract the nuclear structure information from the measured cross sections." }