@article{3187658, title = "Real-World (RW) Multiple Myeloma (MM) Patients (Pts) Remain Under-Represented in Clinical Trials Based on Standard Laboratory Parameters and Baseline Characteristics: Analysis of over 3,000 Pts from the Insight MM Global, Prospective, Observational Study", author = "Hungria, Vania T. M. and Lee, Hans C. and Abonour, Rafat and Rifkin, and Robert M. and Terpos, Evangelos and Leleu, Xavier and Costello, Caitlin and L. and van Rhee, Frits and Weisel, Katja C. and Puig, Noemi and Berdeja, and Jesus G. and Cook, Gordon and Usmani, Saad Z. and Thompson, Michael A. and and Boccadoro, Mario and Zonder, Jeffrey A. and Spencer, Andrew and and Hajek, Roman and Fanning, Suzanne R. and Boyd, Kevin and Omel, Jim and and Armour, Mira and Morgan, Kathryn E. and Patel, Ronak S. and Carlson, and Gary L. and Ferrari, Renda H. and Stull, Dawn Marie and Ren, Kaili and and Cherepanov, Dasha and Pottala, James V. and Chari, Ajai", journal = "Blood advances", year = "2019", volume = "134", number = "1", publisher = "AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY", doi = "10.1182/blood-2019-125749" }