@article{3212515, title = "A Systematic Approach for Stronger Documentation of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft Choice.", author = "Arida, Christina and Mastrokalos, Dimitrios S. and Panagopoulos, Andreas and Vlamis, John and Triantafyllopoulos, Ioannis K.", journal = "CUREUS", year = "2021", volume = "13", number = "10", pages = "e19017", doi = "10.7759/cureus.19017", keywords = "rupture, anterior cruciate ligament (acl), bone-patellar tendon-bone grafts, hamstring autograft, knee osteoarthritis", abstract = "Numerous studies have focused on determining the optimal choice between the two most used anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction autografts. In order to address this matter, we performed a systematic review of every meta-analysis published on the PubMed platform between 2001 and 2020, comparing the functional outcomes, the static stability parameters, as well as the postoperative and long-term complications of the patellar tendon (BPTB) autograft and hamstrings (HT). We retrieved a total of 26 meta-analyses that met our criteria, and the characteristics and outcomes of every meta-analysis, as well as subgroup analysis regarding the type of the study design, number of strands of HT autograft, and fixation method, were extensively recorded. The majority of the meta-analyses showed that there were no significant differences between BPTB and HT in terms of functional outcomes and static stability parameters while HT autografts seem to be superior to BPTB regarding kneeling pain and anterior knee pain. Other outcomes seem to be affected by the number of strands of the HT autograft, the fixation technique, and the type of study design, indicating superiority of the four-strand HT autograft with the use of an extra-cortical button fixation. Overall, there is no clear superiority of BPTB over HT autografts for ACL reconstruction, as both types present similar outcomes in the majority of postoperative parameters. Autograft selection should be individualized according to each patient's needs and more RCTs are warranted in order to reach safer results on the appropriate autograft type." }