@article{3220126, title = "Correction: Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in patients with myeloid/lymphoid neoplasm with FGFR1-rearrangement: a study of the Chronic Malignancies Working Party of EBMT (Bone Marrow Transplantation, (2022), 57, 3, (416-422), 10.1038/s41409-021-01553-x)", author = "Hernández-Boluda, J.-C. and Pereira, A. and Zinger, N. and Gras, L. and Martino, R. and Nikolousis, E. and Finke, J. and Chinea, A. and Rambaldi, A. and Robin, M. and Saccardi, R. and Natale, A. and Snowden, J.A. and Tsirigotis, P. and Vallejo, C. and Wulf, G. and Xicoy, B. and Russo, D. and Maertens, J. and Daguindau, E. and Lenhoff, S. and Hayden, P. and Czerw, T. and McLornan, D.P. and Yakoub-Agha, I.", journal = "Bone marrow transplantation. Supplement (Basingstoke)", year = "2022", publisher = "Springer Nature BV", doi = "10.1038/s41409-022-01652-3", keywords = "erratum", abstract = "Two members from that institution collaborated in our study but we did not choose the preferred one for the final version of the manuscript. The suggested coauthor is Dr Emmanouil Nikolousis (manos. nikolousis@nhs.net) in place of Shankara Paneesha (shankara. paneesha@nhs.net). Both of them have agreed on this change. The original article has been corrected © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited 2022." }