TY - JOUR TI - Bortezomib Plus Melphalan--Prednisone Continues to Demonstrate a Survival Benefit Vs Melphalan--Prednisone in the Phase III VISTA Trial in Previously Untreated Multiple Myeloma After 3 Years' Follow-up and Extensive Subsequent Therapy Use. AU - Mateos, Maria-Victoria AU - Richardson, Paul G AU - Schlag, Rudolf AU - Khuageva, Nuriet K AU - Dimopoulos, Meletios A AU - Shpilberg, Ofer AU - Kropff, Martin AU - Spicka, Ivan AU - Petrucci, Maria Teresa AU - Palumbo, Antonio AU - others JO - Blood cancer journal PY - 2009 VL - 114 TODO - 22 SP - 3859 PB - Content Repository Only! SN - null TODO - null TODO - null TODO - null ER -