TY - JOUR TI - Role of oxygen functionalities on the synthesis of photocatalytically active graphene-TiO2 composites AU - Pastrana-Martínez, L.M. AU - Morales-Torres, S. AU - Likodimos, V. AU - Falaras, P. AU - Figueiredo, J.L. AU - Faria, J.L. AU - Silva, A.M.T. JO - Applied Catalysis B: Environmental PY - 2014 VL - 158-159 TODO - null SP - 329-340 PB - Elsevier SN - 0926-3373 TODO - 10.1016/j.apcatb.2014.04.024 TODO - Detoxification; Photocatalysis; Titanium dioxide, Added value products; Chemical reduction; Environmental-friendly; Graphene oxides; Oxygenated surface groups; Solar applications; TiO; Water detoxifications, Graphene TODO - Photocatalysis has gained relevance in many applications, including production of fuels, green synthesis of added value products and water detoxification. Graphene-TiO2 photocatalysts are attracting great attention, but they should be prepared adequately, protecting the carbon material from the surrounding reactive media, maximizing the contact between TiO2 and graphene, and envisaging solar applications. Hereby, graphene oxide was chemically reduced using vitamin C and glucose (environmental friendly reducing agents) as well as hydrazine, and the evolution of the graphene oxygenated surface groups was systematically analyzed (pHPZC, TPD, TG, XPS, DRUV-Vis, Raman and ATR-FTIR). These functionalities (such as epoxy and hydroxyl groups) mediate the efficient and uniform assembly of the TiO2 nanoparticles on the graphene oxide sheets, leading to highly efficient photocatalysts both under near-UV/Vis and visible light, which is of particular relevance for solar applications. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. ER -