TY - JOUR TI - Emotional and behavioural problems in children dealing with maternal breast cancer: a literature review AU - Stefanou, K. AU - Zografos, E. AU - Zografos, G.C. AU - Vaslamatzis, G. AU - Zografos, C.G. AU - Kolaitis, G. JO - BRITISH JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING PY - 2020 VL - 48 TODO - 3 SP - 394-405 PB - Routledge SN - 0306-9885 TODO - 10.1080/03069885.2018.1487530 TODO - null TODO - A significant number of breast cancer survivors are living with their minor children. In this review we investigated the impact of maternal breast cancer on children. A literature search conducted through PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library and CINAHL yielded 26 relevant studies, which documented a variety of effects. Evidence has been presented that dealing with maternal breast cancer can cause uncertainty, anxiety and depression in children, but may also lead to enhanced social and academic performance. The risk of problems in these children is reported to be associated with both low parental affective responsiveness and excessive parental involvement. Internalising child problems were shown to be linked with maternal depression and family dysfunction, and externalising problems with family dysfunction and communication problems. Some of these problems may be modified by interventions for supporting these families, which should be designed to include both parents and children, and also the healthcare personnel. © 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. ER -