TY - JOUR TI - GA 2LEN (Global Allergy and Asthma European Network) addresses the allergy and asthma 'epidemic' AU - Bousquet, J. AU - Burney, P.G. AU - Zuberbier, T. AU - Cauwenberge, P.V. AU - Akdis, C.A. AU - Bindslev-Jensen, C. AU - Bonini, S. AU - Fokkens, W.J. AU - Kauffmann, F. AU - Kowalski, M.L. AU - Lodrup-Carlsen, K. AU - Mullol, J. AU - Nizankowska-Mogilnicka, E. AU - Papadopoulos, N. AU - Toskala, E. AU - Wickman, M. AU - Anto, J. AU - Auvergne, N. AU - Bachert, C. AU - Bousquet, P.J. AU - Brunekreef, B. AU - Canonica, G.W. AU - Carlsen, K.H. AU - Gjomarkaj, M. AU - Haahtela, T. AU - Howarth, P. AU - Lenzen, G. AU - Lotvall, J. AU - Radon, K. AU - Ring, J. AU - Salapatas, M. AU - Schünemann, H.J. AU - Szczecklik, A. AU - Todo-Bom, A. AU - Valovirta, E. AU - Von Mutius, E. AU - Zock, J.P. JO - Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology PY - 2009 VL - 64 TODO - 7 SP - 969-977 PB - SN - null TODO - 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2009.02059.x TODO - allergy; asthma; consensus development; epidemic; Europe; health program; medical research; practice guideline; prevalence; priority journal; review; article; clinical trial (topic); cooperation; environmental exposure; Europe; female; genetics; human; hypersensitivity; immunology; international cooperation; legal aspect; male; program development; sex difference, allergen, Allergens; Asthma; Clinical Trials as Topic; Cooperative Behavior; Environmental Exposure; Europe; Female; Humans; Hypersensitivity; International Cooperation; Male; Program Development; Sex Factors TODO - Allergic diseases represent a major health problem in Europe. They are increasing in prevalence, severity and costs. The Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA 2LEN), a Sixth EU Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (FP6) Network of Excellence, was created in 2005 as a vehicle to ensure excellence in research bringing together research and clinical institutions to combat fragmentation in the European research area and to tackle Allergy in its globality. The Global Allergy and Asthma European Network has benefited greatly from the voluntary efforts of researchers who are strongly committed to this model of pan-European collaboration. The network was organized in order to increase networking for scientific projects in allergy and asthma around Europe and to make GA 2LEN the world leader in the field. Besides these activities, research has also been carried out and the first papers are being published. Achievements of the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network can be grouped as follows: (i) those for a durable infrastructure built up during the project phase, (ii) those which are project-related and based on these novel infrastructures, and (iii) the development and implementation of guidelines. The major achievements of GA 2LEN are reported in this paper. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S. ER -