TY - JOUR TI - The chemical profile of pyrrolizidine alkaloids from selected greek endemic boraginaceae plants determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry AU - Damianakos, H. AU - Jeziorek, M. AU - Pietrosiuk, A. AU - Chinou, I. JO - JOURNAL OF AOAC. INTERNATIONAL PY - 2014 VL - 97 TODO - 5 SP - 1244-1249 PB - AOAC International SN - 1060-3271 TODO - 10.5740/jaoacint.SGEDamianakos TODO - Alkaloids; Antennas; Chromatographic analysis; Gas plants; Mass spectrometry; Metabolites, Aerial parts; Chemical profiles; Gas chromatography/Mass spectrometry; Literature data; Mass spectra; Pyrrolizidine alkaloid; Qualitative test; Retention index, Gas chromatography, plant extract; pyrrolizidine alkaloid, Boraginaceae; chemistry; Greece; isolation and purification; mass fragmentography; procedures, Boraginaceae; Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry; Greece; Plant Extracts; Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids TODO - Four Greek endemic Boraginaceae plants, Onosma erecta Sibth. & Sm., Onosma kaheirei Teppner, Onosma leptantha Heldr., and Cynoglossum columnae L. (aerial parts), were screened for their content of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). TLC with the Mattocks-Molyneux visualization reagent was used as a preliminary qualitative test for PA or PA N-oxide detection. The extracts of the species found to contain PAs and their N-oxides were further analyzed by GC/MS, so as to identify their structures by means of the mass spectra and retention index values of known PAs already published in the literature. Twenty-three PAs were identified. For additional peaks, recognized as possible PAs by their MS pattern, no exact structures were tentatively suggested, as a result of lack of matching literature data. Furthermore, a quantitative PA profile of the species was obtained. ER -