TY - JOUR TI - Effects of metal irises on the guided-mode properties in asymmetrical slab waveguides AU - Manenkov, A.B. AU - Gerolymatos, P.G. AU - Tigelis, I.G. AU - Amditis, A.J. JO - Optics Communications PY - 2007 VL - 274 TODO - 2 SP - 333-340 PB - SN - 0030-4018 TODO - 10.1016/j.optcom.2007.02.043 TODO - Diffraction; Electric field effects; Integral equations; Numerical methods; Optical waveguides; Polynomials; Scattering, Asymmetrical slab waveguideas; Far-field rotation; Integral equation method; Metal iris, Laser modes TODO - The diffraction phenomenon caused by metal transverse irises placed into an asymmetrical slab waveguide is examined by using the integral equation method. We concentrate on the possibility of controlling the radiation characteristics of the structure by changing the irises positions and the slab waveguide asymmetry. The aperture electric-field distribution is expressed in terms of a finite series of Chebyshev polynomials. The dominant TE guided-mode reflection and transmission coefficients, the near-field distribution and the far-field radiation pattern are calculated, while numerical results are presented for several cases of asymmetrical slab waveguides and different irises' positions. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. ER -