TY - JOUR TI - Dynamical complexity in Dst time series using non-extensive Tsallis entropy AU - Balasis, G. AU - Daglis, I.A. AU - Papadimitriou, C. AU - Kalimeri, M. AU - Anastasiadis, A. AU - Eftaxias, K. JO - GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS PY - 2008 VL - 35 TODO - 14 SP - null PB - SN - 0094-8276 TODO - 10.1029/2008GL034743 TODO - Dynamical systems; Schrodinger equation, Dynamical complexity; Output signals; Space plasmas; System Dynamics; Tsallis entropies; Underlying dynamics, Dynamics, atmospheric dynamics; atmospheric electricity; complexity; geomagnetic storm; maximum entropy analysis; nonlinearity; plasma; time series analysis TODO - Nonlinearly evolving dynamical systems, such as space plasmas, generate complex fluctuations in their output signals that reflect the underlying dynamics. The non-extensive Tsallis entropy has been proposed as a measure to investigate the complexity of system dynamics. We employ this method for analyzing Dst time series. The results show that Tsallis entropy can effectively detect the dissimilarity of complexity between the pre-storm activity and intense magnetic storms (Dst < -150 nT) which is convenient for space weather applications. Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union. ER -