TY - JOUR TI - The strength in numbers: comprehensive characterization of house dust using complementary mass spectrometric techniques AU - Rostkowski, P. AU - Haglund, P. AU - Aalizadeh, R. AU - Alygizakis, N. AU - Thomaidis, N. AU - Arandes, J.B. AU - Nizzetto, P.B. AU - Booij, P. AU - Budzinski, H. AU - Brunswick, P. AU - Covaci, A. AU - Gallampois, C. AU - Grosse, S. AU - Hindle, R. AU - Ipolyi, I. AU - Jobst, K. AU - Kaserzon, S.L. AU - Leonards, P. AU - Lestremau, F. AU - Letzel, T. AU - Magnér, J. AU - Matsukami, H. AU - Moschet, C. AU - Oswald, P. AU - Plassmann, M. AU - Slobodnik, J. AU - Yang, C. JO - Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry PY - 2019 VL - 411 TODO - 10 SP - 1957-1977 PB - Springer-Verlag SN - 1618-2642, 1618-2650 TODO - 10.1007/s00216-019-01615-6 TODO - Atmospheric ionization; Atmospheric pressure; Data handling; Distributed computer systems; Electrospray ionization; Fragrances; Gas chromatography; Houses; Hydrocarbon refining; Hydrocarbons; Liquid chromatography; Mass spectrometry; Screening, Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization; Collaborative trial; Complementary analytical techniques; Electrospray ionization (ESI); House dust; Non-target analysis; Personal care products; Spectrometric techniques, Dust TODO - Untargeted analysis of a composite house dust sample has been performed as part of a collaborative effort to evaluate the progress in the field of suspect and nontarget screening and build an extensive database of organic indoor environment contaminants. Twenty-one participants reported results that were curated by the organizers of the collaborative trial. In total, nearly 2350 compounds were identified (18%) or tentatively identified (25% at confidence level 2 and 58% at confidence level 3), making the collaborative trial a success. However, a relatively small share (37%) of all compounds were reported by more than one participant, which shows that there is plenty of room for improvement in the field of suspect and nontarget screening. An even a smaller share (5%) of the total number of compounds were detected using both liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Thus, the two MS techniques are highly complementary. Most of the compounds were detected using LC with electrospray ionization (ESI) MS and comprehensive 2D GC (GC×GC) with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and electron ionization (EI), respectively. Collectively, the three techniques accounted for more than 75% of the reported compounds. Glycols, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and various biogenic compounds dominated among the compounds reported by LC-MS participants, while hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon derivatives, and chlorinated paraffins and chlorinated biphenyls were primarily reported by GC-MS participants. Plastics additives, flavor and fragrances, and personal care products were reported by both LC-MS and GC-MS participants. It was concluded that the use of multiple analytical techniques was required for a comprehensive characterization of house dust contaminants. Further, several recommendations are given for improved suspect and nontarget screening of house dust and other indoor environment samples, including the use of open-source data processing tools. One of the tools allowed provisional identification of almost 500 compounds that had not been reported by participants. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. © 2019, The Author(s). ER -