TY - JOUR TI - Zno nanowires: Growth, properties and advantages AU - Govatsi, K. AU - Govatsi, K. AU - Chrissanthopoulos, A. AU - Chrissanthopoulos, A. AU - Yannopoulos, S.N. JO - NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology PY - 2015 VL - 39 TODO - null SP - 129-149 PB - Springer-Verlag SN - null TODO - 10.1007/978-94-017-9697-2_14 TODO - null TODO - One-dimensional anisotropic nanostructures, and in particular nanowires, are under intensive investigations over the last decade owing to their unique physical properties and their documented performance in a wide range of opto-electronic and nano-photonic devices. Here, we present a short overview of the main assets of nanowire arrays with particular emphasis as materials for solar energy harvesting and conversion. A brief survey on the main growth techniques of ZnO nanowires, i.e. chemical vapor deposition and solution chemistry is also presented. © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015. ER -