TY - JOUR TI - Radiation Exposure in the Lower Atmosphere during Different Periods of Solar Activity AU - Tezari, Anastasia AU - Paschalis, Pavlos AU - Stassinakis, Argyris and AU - Mavromichalaki, Helen AU - Karaiskos, Pantelis AU - Gerontidou, Maria and AU - Alexandridis, Dimitris AU - Kanellakopoulos, Anastasios AU - Crosby, Norma AU - and Dierckxsens, Mark JO - Atmospheric Measurement Techniques PY - 2022 VL - 13 TODO - 2 SP - null PB - MDPI SN - null TODO - 10.3390/atmos13020166 TODO - ambient dose equivalent; cosmic radiation; aviation; solar cycle TODO - In recent years, there has been a huge increase in air travel, both for business and leisure. For this reason, entities such as the European Commission and the International Committee on Radiological Protection have provided several recommendations for the radiation protection of aviation crews and frequent flyers, as well as highlighted the need for accurate tools for radiation assessment in the atmosphere. With a focus on the most frequent commercial flying altitudes, this work has performed dosimetry calculations in the lower atmosphere of Earth for different values of cut-off rigidity, covering the recent solar cycles 23 and 24. Results are based on Monte Carlo simulations performed with the validated Geant4 software application Dynamic Atmospheric Shower Tracking Interactive Model Application (DYASTIMA) and its extension, DYASTIMA-R. ER -