TY - JOUR TI - Energy and indoor climate in urban environments: Recent trends AU - Santamouris, M. AU - Georgakis, C. JO - Building Services Engineering Research and Technology PY - 2003 VL - 24 TODO - 2 SP - 69-81 PB - SN - null TODO - 10.1191/0143624403bt065oa TODO - Building materials; Climatology; Cooling; Energy utilization, Urban climate, Environmental engineering TODO - This paper discusses the main issues relating to urban layout and passive cooling. The paper is divided into three main parts. The first part presents the main characteristics of urban climate, especially the temperature distribution in cities, and reports data from the Athens urban climate experiment. The second part investigates and presents the impact of the main parameters defining the urban layout to the local climate. In particular the impact of the street layout, albedo, green spaces and building materials are investigated and discussed. Finally, the third part of the report deals with specific energy studies relating the energy consumption of buildings for cooling purposes to the urban climate. ER -