TY - JOUR TI - THE ORIGIN OF THE SICKLE MUTATION IN GREECE - EVIDENCE FROM BETA-S GLOBIN GENE-CLUSTER POLYMORPHISMS AU - BOUSSIOU, M AU - LOUKOPOULOS, D AU - CHRISTAKIS, J AU - FESSAS, P JO - Hemoglobin: Interrnational Journal for Hemoglobin Research PY - 1991 VL - 15 TODO - 6 SP - 459-467 PB - ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD SN - 0363-0269 TODO - 10.3109/03630269109027893 TODO - null TODO - Study of the Hpa I polymorphism 3’ to the beta-globin gene in the Greek population revealed absence of the site in 238 beta-S chromosomes, in contrast to a much larger sample of chromosomes carrying the beta-A gene, where this site was consistently positive. Subsequent haplotype analysis of the beta-globin gene cluster in 82 beta-S chromosomes demonstrated that 79 (96%) belonged to haplotype #19, while the three exceptions (all Hpa I negative) could be explained by a delta-beta recombination event. Haplotype #19 was never encountered in a parallel study of the 83 beta-A chromosomes. Comparison of the above results with similar surveys in other parts of the world and consideration of various historical events suggest that the beta-S mutation was introduced into Greece over the last few centuries by the Saracen raids and/or by settlements of North African slaves brought in by the Arabs, Franks, Venetians, or Ottoman Turks, who have occupied the country over the last millennium. ER -